Hayes Hall, built in 1876 and formerly the Erie County Almshouse and Poor Farm, is the iconic center of the UB Architecture and Planning School, and the south campus of the university. It is currently closed for a rehabilitation which is targeting LEED Gold. Photo courtesy University at Buffalo.
For the past year I have had the great honor of working with my alma mater, the University at Buffalo School of Architecture & Planning (UB), to set up a new historic preservation program. We have developed a phased program which will culminate with a Master’s of Science in Architecture/Historic Preservation. We are also providing a parallel track of continuing education workshops. This spring we are launching the continuing education workshops as phase one of the Historic Preservation Program, with a focus on sustainable preservation. This spring’s workshops include a two day workshop in Buffalo and a one day workshop in New York City.
Why Sustainability and Preservation in Buffalo?
Buffalo has one of the greatest collections of architecture, planning and landscape architecture, both historic and modern, in the nation. A review of the historic preservation programs across the country reveals that Buffalo is probably the only city in the country with such a significant body of architecture NOT to have a historic preservation program. In addition, Buffalo has a very active community of preservation professionals, advocates, activists and aficionados who have been making a difference in the city and the region for many years. The UB School of Architecture has been a leader in offering sustainability courses in both the Architecture and Planning Departments, as well as a summer program in Costa Rica. Combining both of these interests into one program makes sense.
Sustainability & Preservation: The UB Workshops
(below is the announcement for our first workshop)
The University at Buffalo School of Architecture and Planning (UB) is pleased to announce the launching of our new

Crosby Hall was built in 1930 as part of the master plan for the new University at Buffalo. Today it is part of the School of Architecture and Planning, also targeted for a LEED Gold Rehabilitation. The UB sustainable preservation workshop will be held here in April. Photo courtesy University at Buffalo.
Historic Preservation Continuing Education Program! This spring we are offering two programs, one in Buffalo and one in New York City. Registration and information for our first workshop April 27-28, 2012 at the historic UB Campus is now live. Sustainability & Preservation: Rethinking Historic Buildings Through a Green Lens offers a unique opportunity to learn from national experts steeped in the knowledge of sustainability and preservation, held in the City of Buffalo, a place known for its great architecture and its flourishing preservation efforts. Our renowned speakers will share their experience and work developing national sustainability policies, integrating cultural and preservation metrics into the LEED rating systems, and discussing past and current sustainable preservation projects. The workshop will be held in historic Crosby Hall, a building soon to be rehabilitated to LEED Gold standards.
Together with our partners, the AIA Buffalo/Western New Chapter, the American Planning Association New York Upstate Chapter the USGBC New York Upstate Chapter and the New York Upstate Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects we are offering this 2 day workshop for the low member’s rate of $175 ($225 for non-members). Up to 14 continuing education credits will be offered for each of the above professions, including 14 LU/HSW/SD AIA credits.
Join us in April to learn and play – there are great networking activities you won’t want to miss!!
And on June 11th we are offering our second workshop in New York City at the Empire State Building! Registration for that will open soon, and discounted rates to attend both will be offered. A second True Green Cities blog will announce that website when it is opened.
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