
Greening What’s Already Here – Celebrating Twelve Years!

Please note: This website is under construction – we apologize for any wonky formatting or missing images!  Look back often for updates!  If you would like specific information on projects please email Barbara.

BAC/A+P is an architectural firm rooted in the belief that historic preservation values equal the best of green building practices. Our firm’s work demonstrates that the artistic, scientific and cultural aspects of remaking and greening historic and existing buildings are crucial to a sustainable future.

The firm founder, Barbara Campagna, a preservation architect with 25 years experience has been at the forefront of the green building movement for over ten years as a leading voice for the integration of historic preservation and green building practices. We believe that reusing what we have – buildings, landscapes, communities – is the best way to make the biggest impact in controlling climate change. From changing out your light bulbs to renovating an existing building or neighborhood to LEED Platinum standards – it’s all important and BAC/A+P offers consulting services to guide our clients through all the solutions.

The construction and operation of buildings accounts for almost 50% of the United States greenhouse gas emissions. But reusing and retrofitting our existing buildings can reduce these emissions dramatically. From the simple action of preparing a National Register nomination, to developing a regulatory review mitigation plan, to preparing a sustainability master plan, to designing a LEED certified rehabilitation – these are all green building practices because they help keep what’s here and in doing so, avoid new impacts.

In many respects, historic preservation methodologies are just sound, common-sense approaches to protecting the resources, culture and heritage of our planet and that is inherently sustainable development. And this methodology can be used on a National Historic Landmark or a contemporary shopping mall. There are many ways to make your building or site greener, through green housekeeping recommendations or capital improvements. Why choose to be more environmentally conscious? Because not only is it good for the planet, it’s sound business practice. When you improve your efficiency and resource use, you improve your bottom line by providing more funding for your core missions and that’s just good for everyone.

“Greening What’s Already Here” and “The Greening Plan” are registered federal trademarks.

BAC/Architecture + Planning PLLC is a certified WBE (Women’s Business Enterprise) and a DBE (Disadvantaged Business Enterprise).

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