
Blog, True Green Cities, blog on the BAC/Architecture + Planning, PLLC website, 2011- present.

Blog True Green, blog on the National Trust Historic Sites webpage. 2009-2011.

Blog beyond green building, blog on the National Trust webpage, Since 2007-2011.


2015    Doyle, Kathryn; Ferrell Andrew; et al.  Proceedings of the Mid-Century Modern: Materials and Preservation Symposium.  Campagna, B.  Chapter pp. 223-232, “Material, Building Type or Beauty: What Makes Preserving Brutalist Architecture in Buffalo So Hard?” National Center for Preservation Technology and Training.

2002    Campagna, B.  New York State County Fairs: A History & Architectural Survey, Chemung County Historical Society.

1992     Campagna, B., Feuerstein, M. & Schneekloth, L. Changing Places:ReMaking Institutional Buildings, White Pine Press.

1986     Campagna, B. Adaptive Reuse Study of the Buffalo State Hospital by H.H. Richardson. Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Columbia University.

Articles & Book Reviews

2020     Campagna, B; Gotthelf, Jill.  Guest Editors.  APT Bulletin, Volume LI, No. 1, 2020, “Special Issue: The Next Fifty Symposium.”

2020      Campagna, B.  Redefining Brutalism.  APT Bulletin,  Volume LI, No. 1, 2020, pp. 25-34.

2015     Peer Review of Journal of American Planning Association. Energy-efficient reuse of existing commercial buildings.

2014      Campagna, B.  Documenting Buffalo’s Modernism.  DOCOMOMO_US News Brief, October 15, 2014.

2014     Campagna, B.  Paul Rudolph’s Shoreline Apartments in Buffalo, NY Face an Imminent Threat.  DOCOMOMO_US News Brief, January 15, 2014.

2011     Campagna, B. Preservationists Helping to Revise LEED Green Building Rating System. Forum News, February 2011.

2009    Campagna, B. & Frey, P.  The Impact of Evolving LEED Standards on Historic Preservation  Projects. Journal of Green Building, Fall, 2008.

2008    Campagna, B.  LEED & Historic Preservation. Cover Article for Forum Newsletter, November, 2008.

2008    Campagna, B.  Book Review of The Codes Book for Interiors, in APT Bulletin, Vol. XXXIX, No. 1, p. 51.

2003    Campagna, B.  Book Review of Stone: Stone Building Materials, Construction and Associated Component Systems: Their Decay & Treatment, in APT Bulletin, Vol. XXXIV, No. 1, 2003, p. 55.

2002    Campagna, B.  Sympathy, Harmony & New Architecture”, CRM Bulletin, Special Delaware Water Gap issue, July 2002, p. 45-48.

2002    Campagna, B., et al.  Saint Elizabeths Campus Washington, DC: A Redevelopment Study. An Advisory Services Panel Report. Washington, DC: Urban Land Institute, May 5-10, 2002.

2000    Campagna, B.  Book Review of Biodeterioration of Stone in Tropical Environments, in APT Bulletin, Vol. XXXI, No. 4, 2000,  p.57.

2000    Campagna, B., et al.  Uptown Chicago, Illinois.  An Advisory Services Panel Report.  Washington, DC:    Urban Land Institute, November 12-17, 2000.

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