True Green Cities/Celebrating Thirteen Years: How Can it Be That Long?!
Celebrating Thirteen Years! It’s been thirteen years since I launched Barbara A. Campagna/Architecture + Planning, PLLC on April 19th, 2011 and while many things have changed, my goal to work on “greening what’s already here” continues to be met, often in places I never expected.
Thirteen Years

It may sound trite but it does feel like just yesterday that I started Barbara A. Campagna/Architecture + Planning, PLLC. in Washington, DC. Thirteen years, and in this past year I’ve finally achieved some things that have been on my list that whole time. After I finally completed my NCARB certification last February (2023), I got my architecture licenses in both Virginia and DC, states I have project opportunities in. I completed one restoration project in DC and started another. And assisted on some projects in Virginia.
The Buffalo Central Terminal, (photo above) a 1929 Art Deco landmark train station on the East Side of Buffalo, has been at the center of the firm’s work for the past year. After working on the Master Plan with the SmithGroup in 2021, we’ve been leading the creation of a Historic Structures Report and a Cultural Landscape Report, preparing the Part 1 for a Historic Preservation Certification Application and supporting another team led by Quinn Evans on capital improvements to stabilize the building’s envelope and infrastructure. Over the next week, daily blogs will detail some of our past and current projects.
Thank you to all my clients, consultants and colleagues who have supported Barbara A. Campagna/Architecture + Planning, PLLC.