SUSTAINABILITY PROGRAM, National Trust for Historic Preservation
Washington, DC
Barbara was the co-founder and architectural leader of the National Trust’s Sustainability Program, which was created in 2006 as the Trust’s approach to climate change. Since buildings are the biggest contributor to the greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming, the program was developed to focus the nation’s attention on the importance of reusing existing buildings and reinvesting in older and historic communities as critical elements in combating climate change. By recycling existing buildings, we avoid the impacts on the planet that building new buildings causes. Program and policy work include:
Changing the Face of LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) Barbara is the primary contact between the preservation community and the U.S. Green Building Council and has been advising USGBC staff on all of the changes to LEED since 2007. As a guest expert reviewer, her responsibilities include recommending new cultural and preservation metrics and credits, reviewing the changes to LEED 2009 and v4, evaluating and responding to project questions related to the new existing building pilot credits, and developing workshops and training for both preservation and green building professionals. Barbara is continuing to manage this work for the National Trust as a sustainability consultant.
Sustainable Stewardship Practices
Under Barbara’s direction, the National Trust initiated and implemented many levels of sustainable practices from green housekeeping to capital improvements at its 29 historic sites. All capital projects began to include eco-charrettes and determination of LEED registration as a green tool. The rehabilitation of President Lincoln’s Cottage Visitor Education Center received LEED Gold under Barbara’s direction and included a self-guided Eco-Tour with a podcast.

Sample sustainability blog by Barbara Campagna on the National Trust’s webpage.

Sample blog by Barbara Campagna on the National Trust’s Historic Sites webpage (no longer live).

Entrance to the President Lincoln’s Cottage Visitor Education Center, after restoration.

Detail of exterior of President Lincoln’s Cottage Visitor Education Center.

Exterior view of front of President Lincoln’s Cottage Visitor Education Center.

Main corridor of President Lincoln’s Cottage Visitor Education Center, after restoration.

New museum shop at President Lincoln’s Cottage Visitor Education Center, after restoration.

Main atrium in President Lincoln’s Cottage Visitor Education Center, after restoration.

Detail of exterior of President Lincoln’s Cottage Visitor Education Center, after restoration.

Detail of skylight in atrium in President Lincoln’s Cottage Visitor Education Center, after restoration.

View of rear of President Lincoln’s Cottage Visitor Education Center, after restoration.

Detail of rear of President Lincoln’s Cottage Visitor Education Center, after restoration.

Self-guided eco-tour of President Lincoln’s Cottage Visitor Education Center.