BEST PRACTICES MANUAL, National Trust Historic Sites
Washington, DC
National Historic Landmark
Local Landmark
Barbara expanded and updated the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s Best Practices manual and workbook to provide guidance regarding best practices for the care of structures and landscapes. While this manual included many policies specific to National Trust Historic Sites, its content and format may also be useful to historic sites and buildings across the country. Especially helpful is the Sustainable Practices chapter (Chapter 13, page 80), which includes advice for making historic sites greener – both through green housekeeping and capital improvements.

Cover of Best Practices Manual.

Introductory page to Sustainable Practices, Chapter 13, Best Practices Manual.

Typical page, Sustainable Practices Chapter, Best Practices Manual.

Typical case study page, Sustainable Practices Chapter, Best Practices Manual.

Typical page, Climate Management Chapter, Best Practices Manual.

Typical page, Disaster Planning Chapter, Best Practices Manual.