
Preserving & Reinventing Landmarks

Please note: This website is under construction, we apologize for any wonky formatting!  Look back often for updates!  If you would like specific information on projects please email Barbara.

As a partner in notable architecture firms, a federal preservation officer and most recently the chief architect of the National Trust, Barbara has completed the restoration of some of the most significant sites in the country including over 25 National Historic Landmarks by architects such as Richardson, Sullivan, Wright, Olmsted & Vaux, Philip Johnson and Mies van der Rohe. Her restoration of the Belvedere Castle in Central Park incorporated sustainable practices over 10 years ago. Nakamura Courthouse in Seattle is on target for LEED Silver and President Lincoln’s Cottage Visitor’s Education Center in Washington, DC received LEED Gold.  She developed a Best Practices Manual for the Trust’s National Historic Landmark sites that includes a special section on sustainability and green housekeeping practices and worked with each of the Trust sites to develop site-wide sustainability programs.  This Manual has been adopted by a variety of statewide and national organizations.  She has created a plan called “The Greening Plan,” which is federally trademarked, and guides owners and users in making the right decisions to green their places.

Current Projects Include:

Recent Projects Include:

Managing the institutional development of the Buffalo Architecture Center, a new cultural organization located in the National Historic Landmark Richardson Olmsted Campus. See top left image  above.

Developing a sustainability management plan for the Haas-Lilienthal House in San Francisco, an elaborate Queen Anne style house museum owned and occupied by San Francisco Architectural Heritage. See top right image above.

Continuing the sustainability work at the National Trust for Historic Preservation including advising on the edits to LEED and the IGCC.

Preparing a Section 106 evaluation for alterations to the Harry S. Truman Building , the State Department Headquarters,  in Washington, DC. Creating “Greening Plans” and guiding three owners of historic houses in Buffalo, NY  Winston-Salem, NC and Queens, NY  through the development of sustainability management plans. See center image above.

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